Why Do We Need to Study the Liberal Arts

Why Study the Liberal Arts & Sciences?

Graduation Photo

While some fields of study and careers feel peaks and valleys in appeal, a liberal arts and sciences education can offer a competitive advantage in the labor market and enduring career success. In fact, in the face of rapid technical advancement, climate change, globalization, and social and political uncertainty, a liberal arts degree is a priceless asset.

At the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (LAS), we know that the near important jobs of tomorrow take yet to be created.  The globe needs abrupt minds, critical thinkers, and leaders who will be able to leverage new opportunities and inspire positive social change.  Our goal is to provide students with the knowledge, skills, and scholarly foundation - across the humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences - for long-term success.

We challenge students to set and achieve ambitious goals for themselves, and our graduates emerge from our programs as sharper communicators, researchers, problem solvers, and leaders equipped with the very skills that today's employers need.  LAS students as well have admission to robust supports including Get-go-Twelvemonth Seminars and learning centers for assistance with language, math, writing, and science courses.   Our dedicated and professional academic advisors offering full-time support to each and every student throughout his or her bookish journeying at UIC.

At LAS, we believe that a liberal arts and sciences education offers door-opening experiences, career flexibility, and opportunities for students to achieve a brighter future for themselves, their communities, and the world at big.

Explore UIC LAS Heading link

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Has Indelible Value Heading link

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Offers Valuable Skills Heading link

"According to a 2018 survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the three attributes of college graduates that employers considered most of import were written communication, problem-solving and the power to work in a team. Quantitative and technical skills both made the acme 10, alongside other "soft" skills like initiative, exact communication and leadership. In the liberal arts tradition, these skills are built through dialogue between instructors and students, and through close reading and analysis of a broad range of subjects and texts."

David Deming | Harvard Kennedy School, September 2019

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Is Preparation for Futurity Success Heading link

… the ever-expanding tech sector is now producing career opportunities in fields… that specifically crave the skills taught in the humanities. To thrive in these areas, i must exist able to communicate effectively, read subtle social and emotional cues, make persuasive arguments, adapt chop-chop to fluid environments, interpret new forms of information while translating them into a compelling narrative and anticipate obstacles and opportunities earlier they arise. Programs similar English or history represent amend grooming…for the demands of the newly emerging "rapport sector" than vocationally oriented disciplines similar engineering or finance.

Randall Stross | Author of "A Practical Teaching", 2017

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Caste Is More than Important Than Ever Heading link

The reality is we need the social and critical communication skills that are all-time honed in the liberal arts. Co-ordinate to the Harvard Business concern Review, while technical skills are important, "What matters now is non the skills you have but how y'all recall. Tin you ask the right questions? Practise you know what problem yous're trying to solve in the first place?" They remind us there is a "long list of successful tech leaders who hold degrees in the humanities. To mention just a few CEOs: Stewart Butterfield, Slack, philosophy; Jack Ma, Alibaba, English; Susan Wojcicki, YouTube, history and literature; Brian Chesky, Airbnb, fine arts."

Richard A. Greenwald | The Daily Beast, December 2018

A Liberal Arts and Sciences Degree Means Options Heading link

Dissimilar nigh university courses, students post-obit a liberal arts path will gain knowledge and expertise in various fields, ready to tackle any life throws at them later on graduation.  This diverse range of skills prepares students to implement their knowledge beyond a wide range of professions and communicate their ideas to different individuals and groups. These dynamic qualities are essential to driving the collaborative economy, giving them the best future prospects possible in the face up of change.

Student International News | Baronial 2018

Diversity & Inclusion in LAS


Source: https://las.uic.edu/academics/why-las/

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